Meridian DUI Attorney
A DUI charge is a consequence which has the potential to negatively impact your entire life; even after the fine is paid, the conviction spent, and your license reinstated. Having the best Meridian DUI attorney on your side is crucial; this will ensure that you have the best advice available to move forward.
Why Might I Be Convicted of a DUI?
A DUI, or charge for driving under the influence, is an imprisonable offence which prohibits anyone under the influence of “drugs, alcohol, any impairing substance, or any combination of substances” from driving a car, or being in physical control of a vehicle. Any driver with a
blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or above will also be convicted – this limit reduces to 0.04% if the licensee is in charge of a commercial vehicle, and to 0.02% if the driver is under the age of 21.
Idaho also operates under the concept of “implied consent”; in the simplest terms, this states that anyone who is lawfully arrested under suspicion of a DUI must submit to a breath, blood or urine test. Those who refuse testing face fines of $250, implementation of an IID, and a
suspended license. This may also work against you in a trial.
What Impact Could A DUI Have On My Life?
Jail Time
- Depending on the nature of your offense, and your previous criminal history, you could find yourself serving a hefty jail sentence. This could be between 10 days and 1 year for a first or second offense, or between 30 days and 10 years for a third offense.
Paying A Fine
- You may also find yourself facing financial consequences in the form of a fine, to be paid to the court - this could be between $1000 and $2000 for a first offense, $2000 to $5000 or up to $5000 for a third offense.
Losing Your License
- The first time you are convicted of a DUI, you could lose your license for between 90 and 210 days (this may be increased to 365 if the BAC exceeded 0.2%). A second offense may see you stripped of your license for at least a year, and this increases to five years for a third offense. It should be noted that first time offenders who need to be able to drive for work or healthcare reasons may be able to apply for a restricted license 30 days after the loss of license - an IID will be installed as part of this. Restricted licenses are also available on your second offense after 45 days; you will need to petition the court as well as demonstrate an active good standing with a recognized state substance abuse program.
Having an IID Installed on Your Vehicle
- In many cases, a DUI conviction will automatically result in an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) being added to your vehicle, usually for a minimum of one year. An IID is a tool attached to the vehicle, and this prevents the engine from being started unless the driver passes a breathalyser test.
Loss Of Income
- If you are working a job which requires you to have a clean drivers licence, you risk loss of income, and losing your job completely, if you are convicted of a DUI. This may also restrict your future opportunities, and may block you from certain professions altogether. This could also impact your ability to take out a loan or attain financial assistance, as well as renting a home in the future.
Family Issues
- Any conviction can have a devastating impact on your family life, but this is particularly true of DUI’s. You may face a relationship breakdown, and the conviction could cause issues with obtaining custody of your children.
Mandatory Substance Abuse Treatment
- The state of Idaho requires anyone convicted of a DUI to undertake mandatory evaluations, and these are used to determine any classes, treatments or programs which might help to tackle substance abuse. Offenders are required to complete any recommended treatments, or face further consequences.
Your Next Steps
If you find yourself facing DUI charges, you need to make sure that you have reliable, experienced and qualified legal representation on your side. Here at Boise DUI Law, our team has the skills, experience and expertise to take on your case, and advise you every step of the way to help you ensure the best possible outcome. Get in touch today, and let us take the stress out of the situation; as the best DUI attorneys in Meridian, we are here to help in any way we can.
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